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Hi! I’m Tory Donato, and I’m a Master Builder.

I focus on helping individuals, teams, and organizations build towards breakthroughs in fun and engaging ways.

My expertise lies in combining the beauty of hands-on, experiential learning with powerful coaching strategies. I create never-before-seen workshops using a 75-year old tool: LEGO®

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Send me an email 👇🏼

DM me on IG @toryodonato



What is LEGO® Serious Play®?

Just For Kids? Think Again!

Forget everything you think you know about this children’s toy. LEGO® Serious Play® is a powerful tool that uses bricks to facilitate communication and problem-solving in a creative way. It's not about building spaceships or castles, it's about using bricks as a language to unlock new ideas and get everyone on the same page. Science shows that building with our hands activates different parts of the brain, leading to more creativity, learning, reflection, and collaboration.

Unlike traditional team building exercises or professional development seminars that can feel forced or rely on verbal skills, LEGO® Serious Play® creates a safe space for everyone to participate and contribute, engaging even the most introverted individuals in the experience.

LEGO® model from a recent workshop

LEGO® model from a recent workshop

The Workshop Experience